Hi every one, today is a snowy day - a great reason to stay in and make dolls. I'll continue with making the sample doll for the next class I'll be teaching at Attic Window Quilt Shop; Gail Wilson's Needlework doll. For more information about the pattern and kit for this doll, please vistit Gail's website and scroll down to the needlework doll - she is right under the pincushion doll.
So far, I have sewn the body parts, stuffed them, painted on the skin color, stockings and shoes and have applied the face details with colored pencils. There are special instructions in the pattern/kit for how to make the pencils look like paint. Colored pencils are so easy to create a doll face with, so if face painting is holding you back from trying your hand at doll making, try either this doll or Gail's feedsack dolls. Pencil faces are super quick too. I must remark on how this doll was very easy to sew and stuff.
Here she is waiting for the fixative to dry before the sealer gets applied.
The pencil faces look just as nice as the painted ones do - here is a comparison. The doll on the left has painted (also antiqued, so a bit darker) and the doll on the right is in pencil before antiquing. That poor small Columbian doll on the left is still waiting for clothing.....it's been several years.
While things dry, I work on the clothing. Here is her apron, pocket and emery strawberry finished and hanging out on the pincushion doll until the doll us finished.

Now, on to the wig. Have some doll fun today - Julie